Map of Henley School Zone


Henley School is located in Richmond, Nelson.

You can find the website for Henley School here.

Home Zone


All students who live within the home zone described below (and shown on the attached map) shall be eligible to enrol at the school.


The geographic area described in the scheme shall stand fast and shall operate as the school’s home zone, under Section 11D of the Education Act 1989.


Area:   South East of, and bordered by, (and includes) Champion Road, Salisbury Road, Arbour-Lea Sub-division, D’Arcy Street, Elizabeth Street, Talbot Street, Webby Place, Queen Street to No.175 (southeast of Salisbury Road intersection), Washbourne Drive.


This includes Hill Street to No.479, up to but not including Saxton’s Road, and all areas lying south east to the Richmond foothills.


All students living in the home zone are entitled to enrol at the school at any time.


Streets within the Henley School Zone


Alexandra Grove Doris Street Hill Street (361 East. 332 West)
Alibizia Place Dunstan Grove Hillplough Heights
Angelus Grove Edward Street Holdaway Grove
Antoine Grove Elizabeth Street Hugh Brown Place
Aotea Place Eversley Terrace Hunter Avenue
Appaloosa Avenue Faraday Rise Idesia Grove
Arbor-lea Avenue Farnham Drive Iti Lane
Aston Place Fauchelle Avenue James Place
Barrington Place Florence Street John Sutton Place
Birdling Close Forget Me Not Lane Joyce Place
Bolton Place Garin Grove Kareti Drive
Cascada Close George Kidd Street Kew Place
Cashmere Close George Street Kihilla Road
Centenary Place Gilbert Street Kingi Place
Champion road Greenwood Place Kings Rise
Chartwell Place Griffin Street Kingsley Place
Churchill Avenue Hart Rd Ledger Close
Cresswell Place Hebberd Place Linden Court
Cropp Place Herbert Street Lobank Place
Cushendall Rise Heritage Crescent Lodestone Road
D’Arcy Street Heron Grove Lorimer Lane
Daelyn Road Highfield Grove Magnolia Place
Dartmoor Place Highland Drive Mako St
Maple Crescent Ruth Page Place Welsh Place
Marchwood Grove Salisbury Road Wilkes Street
Marino St Selbourne Avenue Wilkes Street
Marlborough Crescent Shetland Place William Street
Mason Place Snow Place William Street
Meadow Lane Stanhope Rise Windleborn Place
Melia Place Strawberry Grove Windleborn Place
Milne Place Sutton Street Yateley Place
Monroe Place Talbot Street Yately Place
Park Drive Taranaki Place
Pastures Close Templemore Drive
Perendale Close Tuffnell Street
Polglase Street Valhall Drive
Primrose Place Valhalla Close
Queen Street to No.175 Valhalla Lane
Regent Lane Walker Place
Ridings Grove Warren Kelly Street
Rochfort Drive Warwick Street
Roeske Street Washbourn Drive
Romney Close Webby Place


Out of Zone Enrolments


Each year the Board of Trustees will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The Board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.


Applications for enrolments will be processed in the following order of priority:


First Priority              This priority is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary for Education.

Second Priority          will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.

Third Priority             will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.

Fourth Priority           will be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.

Fifth Priority              will be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.

Sixth Priority             will be given to all other applicants.



If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, Selection within the priority group will be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the

Secretary. Under Section 11G (1) on the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.

Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.


For a full list of schools in Nelson and Tasman:

Nelson Schools

Richmond Schools

Tasman District Schools


For more information on Nelson and Tasman school zones where you can zoom in to find exact streets you can search on the nzschools website.


This map was a screen shot from and although we endeavour to keep them up to date we take no responsibility for providing information that may have changed since we provided this information. We suggest you do your own due diligence to check for accuracy.


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Brent Palmer – Professional Real Estate Consultant

About the Author: The above information on Henley School Zone is provided by Brent Palmer, a local leader in the field of Richmond and Nelson Real Estate sales, marketing, advanced technology for home selling, and social media. You can contact Brent Palmer here, or at 027 544 9921.

He has helped many people buy and sell homes in the Nelson, Stoke and Richmond areas for years, and would love the opportunity to help you as well.

Thinking of selling your home? I have a real passion for helping people sell their homes in our Nelson and Tasman Region, as well as the marketing, social media & advanced technology for home selling that goes along with it. I’d love to have the opportunity to sit down with you discuss how we can work together to get you the best price.

I help people buy and sell real estate in the following Nelson and Tasman  towns  & neighbourhoods: Wakefield, Brightwater, Hope, Appleby, Redwood Valley, Mapua, Stoke, Tahunanui, Atawhai and of course, Richmond and Nelson City. Connect with Brent on Facebook and pretty much everywhere else.

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