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Read tips and tricks for buying or selling that save you time and money.

Selling Mum and Dad’s Home

Brent Palmer

One of life’s most challenging aspects is watching our Mum and Dads age. Then comes the day when you realize...

DIY staging tips that won’t break the bank

Brent Palmer

If you’re like the rest of us you don’t have a warehouse full of designer furniture, accessories ...

The 3 Most Common Home Pricing Mistakes

Brent Palmer

Have you ever lived in a neighbourhood where one of the homes for sale seems to sit for an incredibly...

Prevent home repairs by breaking these bad habits

Brent Palmer

“Deferred maintenance.” It basically means a home that has been neglected and can raise a few red ...

Let’s talk carpets

Brent Palmer

We spend a lot of our time on it but it generally gets less attention than other areas of the...

Buy before selling or sell before buying?

Brent Palmer

This is a big question and without a simple answer. Although it can be a crystal ball type scenario, there...

Retiring and thinking of downsizing?

Brent Palmer

If when you bought a home was far enough back that your mortgage is paid off, or nearly so, can...

Don’t make these 5 common open home mistakes

Brent Palmer

Preparing for an open home may seem like an easy project, you just clean right? There are several common open....

Things that make home buyers giddy

Brent Palmer

Right from the letter box and up your potential buyers are being compelled or repelled from you home. So once....


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