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How to keep your windows from fogging up in winter

Brent Palmer
Brent Palmer
Published on April 22, 2018

All those gorgeous windows that allow summertime sunshine to stream through the home are useless to view the winter wonderland outside if the glass is covered in fog.

When that frosty outdoor air hits the heated glass of a window, it’s inevitable that the result will be condensation. There is a way to foil this natural process, however.

What causes window fogging?

Condensation is the result of temperature and moisture. The amount of moisture the air inside our homes can hold is limited and it depends on the temperature of the air.

When the air becomes saturated, it becomes warm and moist. When it comes into contact with the cold glass of a window, it condenses into liquid. The process is similar to how your iced-chocolate glass begins dripping on the outside when the weather is hot.

There are solutions to foggy windows

The first solution to try is to get rid of excess humidity in the home. This is no easy task, considering even our breath adds to a home’s humidity level.

The average person can contribute to 15 litres of water a week into the air if home through everyday indoor activities.

While not breathing would eliminate this, were not suggesting that at all, you can however follow these simple steps to reduce humidity inside your home:

  • Houseplants contribute to the humidity level inside the home. Consider moving them to one room during the winter.
  • Use the extractor fan in the kitchen while cooking.
  • Use the fan in the bathroom while showering or bathing. Allow it to run for about five minutes after you’ve finished.
  • Take shorter showers.
  • Open some windows for a few minutes, several times a day, or in the evening.
  • Hang wet rain coats in the garage or laundry to keep the moisture out of the main parts of the house

Shower domes are a marvellous investment. They stop the steam and moisture by not allowing the steam to leave the shower. Shower Domes fit over top of your shower creating a sealed space for you to shower in. It’s so cosy in there you will find you can have the shower running a little cooler and in turn save on power costs. You also get the added bonus of mist free mirrors after your shower. Check out the link for more information.

You might like to have a look under the house and see what’s going on there, or hire someone who specialises in this area. Some homes benefit from a vapour barrier (thick polythene sheeting) being added to the ground under the house. It essentially traps the moisture in the ground and stops the air under the floor getting damp.

If all else fails, use a dehumidifier

Excess humidity in the home does more than fog windows. It can cause paint to peel, floors to buckle, wood to rot and insulation to deteriorate. It also attracts dust mites to your clothing, rugs, carpeting and — yup — your bed. Not only is it bad for your health and house, being damp will make you feel colder and make the home harder to heat.

A dehumidifier can remove an amazing amount of water from the air per day. They are all slightly different in how they work, size and ability. Make sure you choose the right size model for the home. Smaller units will not be effective on larger houses.

A slight disadvantage is the cleaning that needs to happen. This needs to be done frequently to stop and discourage mould growth.

Not only is this great for your windows, but also your health. Allergy suffers and asthmatics will have a much easier time over the winter months.

For more information about dampness in the home have a look at the energywise website for helpful tips and tricks.

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Brent Palmer – Professional Real Estate Consultant

About the Author: The above article on How to Keep your windows fogging in the Winter was written and provided by Brent Palmer, a local leader in the field of Richmond and Nelson Real Estate sales, marketing, advanced technology for home selling, and social media. You can contact Brent Palmer here, or at 027 544 9921.

He has helped many people buy and sell homes in the Nelson, Stoke and Richmond areas for years, and would love the opportunity to help you as well.

Thinking of selling your home? I have a real passion for helping people sell their homes in our Nelson and Tasman Region, as well as the marketing, social media & advanced technology for home selling that goes along with it. I’d love to have the opportunity to sit down with you discuss how we can work together to get you the best price.

I help people buy and sell real estate in the following Nelson and Tasman  towns  & neighbourhoods: Wakefield, Brightwater, Hope, Appleby, Redwood Valley, Mapua, Stoke, Tahunanui, Atawhai and of course, Richmond and Nelson City. Connect with Brent on Facebook and pretty much everywhere else.

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